Weekly, Seasonal & One-time Pet Waste Cleanup & Yard/Lawn Services in Winnipeg and Brandon

Scoopy Doo makes life easier and more enjoyable for pet owners so they can spend more time playing with, rather than cleaning up after, their beloved pets. We are registered, bonded, insured and licensed in the City of Winnipeg and Province of Manitoba for providing pet waste cleanup services.

Who Would Hire a Dog Waste Removal Company?
People who work two jobs
People who work long hours
People who would rather spend their time playing golf, doing yoga, lying on the sofa or driving their kids to soccer
People with visual impairments, a bad back, arthritis or some other disability
Parents whose small children play in their yard
People concerned about water quality and environmental pollution
People who prefer to spend their free time enjoying with their pets rather than cleaning up after them
People who think, “Yuck! I don’t want to do it myself, and besides, I deserve a small luxury”
How Does It Work?
Our cleanup service comes in three basic sizes:
Regular weekly service
Spring cleanup
A special 1-time cleanup
Many people make their first call to Scoopy Doo after the snow melts, and they realize they need help with a problem that has become visible and hard to ignore. Often these spring cleanup clients are so pleased with our service that they decide they can’t live without a regular, weekly visit from one of our team members. If you arrange for a regular, weekly visit, our team will keep your yard looking nice and smelling nice, and safe for your family and pets.

No Contract to Sign
It’s easy to join Scoopy Doo. There is no contract to sign, and usually, all arrangements can be made over the phone. Just call us, and we’ll ask you some questions that will give us the information we need to meet your needs. We will keep your information on file to keep our staff informed about your specific requirements and instructions.
We will add you to our regular schedule and give you our guarantee that we will visit your yard on the promised day. On our first visit, we ask to be paid for the first month in advance. We can send your invoice by email to be environmentally friendly or send it by regular mail.
We send all of our new clients a letter that welcomes them to Scoopy Doo, tells them what they can expect from us, and reminds them to keep their dog inside their house or in a pen on our scheduled day to ensure the safety of their pet and our staff.
Who Does the Actual Cleanup?
Your yard will be cleaned by one of our team members, who has been trained in the proper pick up and disposal of dog waste. In accordance with Scoopy Doo’s service protocol, our staff will put all dog waste into two extra-strength garbage bags, tie the bags securely, and take them away for proper disposal. No more mess, smell or inconvenience for you!
In addition to knowing their jobs, our team members know dogs. They own and love pets and know how to interact with them. They will watch for any signs of illness, unusual digestion, blood, foreign objects, parasites or worms in your dog's waste and tell you if things just don’t look right.
All of our team members are bonded and insured for your protection.

Viruses and Parasites Are Easily Spread
We know that viruses and parasites are easily spread from one dog to another. That’s why we are so particular about cleanliness. When Scoopy Doo staff finish cleaning one yard, they will disinfect their tools, equipment, and shoes. By following this strict disinfection protocol, we ensure that your yard stays clean and your dog stays healthy.
Gift Certificates
Be an original!
For a unique gift, give freedom to a dog owner from the worst chore. Give a Scoopy Doo gift certificate!
Christmas and Hanukkah
Mother’s Day and Father’s Day
Moving? Welcome to your new home! We got this.